We are sad to announce the 2020 Golden Spinnaker Gala is postponed due to COVID-19.
Please visit our GSG Update page for more information. Thank you for your support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE THE DATE: 2020 GOLDEN SPINNAKER GALA The Sailing Foundation of New York is pleased to announce the 2020 Golden Spinnaker Gala, to be held on Thursday, May 14 Honorees Commodore George Isdale and Commodore George Hinman, Jr Celebrating 20 years of service to the Sailing Foundation of New York Thursday, May 14, 2020 New York Yacht Club 37 W 44th St, NY, NY Cocktails, dinner and live auction Please check the event web page as we post additional details: www.sailingfoundationofny.org/GSG20 |